Park life and portraits
Living in London part 2

Living in London


At the August group meeting the theme was Living In London. Angelika Berndt gave a presentation on a project she has been working on. She says this about it...

Living in London
In temporary accommodation

The project was developed in 2022 as a lived-in self-experiment.

Over several months Angelika Berndt lived in different types of temporary accommodation in different parts of London. Accommodation types ranged from a room in a flat share, to a hostel, a fully furnished attic apartment and a sublet in a family home.

The experiment became as much a trial to find out how it feels to live in these different types of accommodation as it gave insights into the neighbourhoods themselves, their people, the supply chain and transport facilities.

Having lived in Ealing for many years, Angelika soon was to learn what social support; good access to supplies and transport was all about.

This photo research was first presented at Ealing LIP and is now available as a digital book.

Angelika Berndt

And here are some pages from the book

1 Cover
1 Cover
4 kitchen

1 Cover
1 Cover


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